(10 products)
When training you do not always need to lug a large sports bag along with you, we also offer small sports bags and backpacks. Sports backpacks are for anyone wanting to feel as comfortable as possible when carrying their gear. We also sell popular sports bags, which are made from 100% cotton, or mesh. These are breathable and so keep your sweaty gear dry. Backpacks are also an excellent choice when you go training straight from school or work.
Selecting by type
The smallest sports bags are designed to carry a few small items, such as boxing gloves, a t‑shirt and the basic protective gear for combat sports. Their great advantage is that they are lightweight and breathable. They are suitable for short trips and generally fasten with just drawstrings, which also serve as shoulder straps. If traveling any greater distance, they would painfully dig into your shoulders.
A sports bag you can carry on your back is a compromise between a bag and a backpack. It has more straps and can usually be carried in your hand, over your shoulder, or on your back. As it’s not a true backpack, it does not have the reinforcement at the back. It is suitable for carrying on your back for shorter distances. The backpack straps can sometimes be placed out of sight into the bottom of the bag.
Sports backpacks have padded straps and a reinforced back. They are comfortable to wear and are also suitable for longer journeys. Their advantages include the fact that they have lots of space for small items, and generally also have a compartment for a laptop. This makes them ideal for journeys to work or school, if you plan to go straight to training afterwards.
What size of sports bag or backpack to choose
Backpacks and bags are generally categorized by size as S, M and L. The S and M sizes are suitable for children and women; M and L are designed for men. The table below shows approximate sizes, although these can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. So, you should always check the size stated for a particular product.